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How do I cancel my marketplace access?

A walkthrough detailing how to cancel marketplace access subscriptions

Mitchell Sturhann avatar
Written by Mitchell Sturhann
Updated over a month ago

Slated makes it easy to cancel a Marketplace Access Subscription in a matter of seconds. The easiest way is to simply navigate to your project page, click EDIT SETTINGS and then click DEACTIVATE, as shown below.

You'll notice the film page status immediately changes to EXPIRED like so ⬇️ .

Alternatively, you can simply email and tell us you want to cancel your subscription. We'll reply back confirming the cancellation.

Once your subscription is cancelled, you'll also receive an email with the subject line "Marketplace Access Subscription cancelled for [Your Project]." This email confirms the cancellation of your subscription so you have a record. It looks like this. ⬇️

Your page will remain active in the Slated marketplace until the end of your current billing cycle.

Questions about Marketplace Access? Email us anytime at

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