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How do I make my project more visible on Slated?
Mary C. avatar
Written by Mary C.
Updated over a week ago

We sort and recommend projects using our proprietary scoring algorithm, which ranks projects based on important data points including packaging completion and the scores of the attachments involved, plus optional Script or Screening Analysis and Financial Analysis scores.

In general, the more information you add to your project profile, and the more high-profile your attachments, the higher your score, and the more likely it is to be seen. We allow all members to specify the range of scores that they are interested in and only alert them about projects or people that fall within that range. For more about how scoring works, see our Scoring FAQs.

The amount of activity around your project, such as the number of new trackers, the amount of interest you receive, and the amount of funding you receive can also influence how visible it is.

If you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out our Top 10 Tips for Filmmakers

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