No one likes spam. So, to control how many notifications we send to users, we limit the number of actions you can take each day that will send a notification.
Per 24-hour period, all Slated members can:Β
Send introduction messages to 10 people you have not yet interacted with on Slated
Add 100 new people to your tracking list
Per 24-hour period, admins on Active projects can send additional messages depending on whether the project has analysis:
No Analysis - Send 10 interest messages to cast & crew PLUS 10 to investors & sales/distribution companies for each film page you manage (20 total per day).
Script Analysis - Send 50 interest messages to cast & crew, PLUS 10 to investors & sales/distribution for each film page you manage (60 total per day) that has a Script Score (but no Financial Score).
Screening Analysis - Send 10 interest messages to cast & crew PLUS 50 to investors & sales/distribution for each film page you manage (60 total per day) that has a Screening Score.
Financial Analysis - Send 50 interest messages to cast & crew PLUS 50 to investors & sales/distribution (100 total per day) for each film page you manage that has a Financial Score.
To get a Script, Screening, or Financial Score for your project, you will need to purchase analysis.